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Analyze Your Data and Choose the Appropriate Type of Database
Evaluated skills
- Analyze your data and choose the appropriate type of database
All of the questions refer to this dataset, apart from questions 7 and 8.
Question 1
What can you say about this dataset?
It is structured because it’s easy to represent with few empty cells in table format.
It is structured because it’s not text, an image, or a video.
It is semi-structured because all the values in the table cells are different.
Question 2
Using only the name of these three fictional database management systems (DBMS) for guidance, select which one would be most appropriate to store this data.
Question 3
Let’s suppose that data is stored in an Excel or CSV type file, viewable using a spreadsheet application. However, you want several computer programs to be able to access and update this data for sharing between the programs.
Which would be the most practical technical solution for developing these programs?
Code the programs so that they can open the file and update it.
Make a separate copy of the data for each computer program to use its own copy independently.
Input the data into a relational database managed by an RDBMS.
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