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Determine the Relational Model for Your Database Using Your UML Diagram
Evaluated skills
- Determine the relational model for your database using your UML diagram
Question 1
When issuing an invoice, a company should adhere to certain rules when numbering the invoice. It must be in a continuous, chronological sequence, with no omissions.
For example, “Inv001,” “Inv002,” “Inv003,” etc.
If a table holds details of invoices from different companies and has the following columns:
company_id, invoice_number, total_inc_tax, total_ex_tax, which set of attributes would be the best primary key?
(company_id, invoice_number)
(company_id, invoice_number, total_inc_tax)
Question 2
Which of the following attributes is not an artificial key?
The number of bedrooms in a house.
An individual’s Social Security number.
A vehicle registration number.
Question 3
Which of the following statements is true?
A foreign key consisting of three columns can reference a primary key that only consists of one column.
A foreign key consisting of one column can contain null values.
A foreign key consisting of one column can contain values that do not exist in the primary key's column.
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