Tous les cours


Conduct Design and User Research

Get out into the world and understand how people actually behave vs. what they say they do. Move past expectations and assumptions to uncover valuable insights through ethnography, interviews and participant observation.
DifficultéFacile6 heures
Ce cours en libre accès vous intéresse ?

Research is a fundamental element of any design project. Through research, we remove assumptions and judgments, enabling us to discover insights from the user's perspective.

We'll examine different research approaches in this course, depending on the kind of information you're looking to uncover. First, we'll explore biases and research limitations, along with best practices for interviewing and talking to people in the field. Then we'll look at how to analyze your data and findings to help inform your next steps.

Investing in research upfront will save you time, money, and energy in the long run. Even minimal inquiry can have a significant impact. However, it's essential that you design for the right audience. Not only can research give you valuable insights, but you may also uncover directions you would never have considered otherwise.

Objectifs pédagogiques

  • Set Up Your Research Project
  • Gather Participant and User Data
  • Use Research Data to Improve A Project



None! (although Dive into UX Design may be helpful for providing context).

Note: this course's emphasis is on qualitative research.

Usability testing is addressed in the course Test Products on Users (Usability Testing) 

Quantitative research is covered in the course Apply Metrics to Design Decisions

Et si vous en faisiez votre métier ?

Suivez une des formations diplômantes de notre école 100% en ligne, et transformez vos connaissances en compétences professionnelles.

  • Formations jusqu’à 100 % financées
  • Date de début flexible
  • Projets professionnalisants
  • Mentorat individuel



Anne Ditmeyer

Designer and creative consultant who writes and travels. Find me online at + @pretavoyager!

Mike Miello

I make websites to help businesses look pro, be found, and grow online - Learn more at my website:

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Mis à jour le 23/01/2025



Conduct Design and User Research

DifficultéFacile6 heures
Cours en libre accès