• 10 hours
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Last updated on 2/10/23

Get some practice conducting a content audit

It's your turn!

It's easy to make assumptions about content, so it's extremely beneficial to conduct a content audit to better understand all the challenges a company or organization is facing.

For the sake of this assignment, conduct your audit using a desktop version of a website for a non-profit, foundation, or charity of your choice. Imagine they've just taken you on to do some work for the organization. You want to better understand the existing content from a quantitative perspective to get a sense of the magnitude and complexity of what you're dealing with.

You're going to create a catalog of content pages and types to record on a spreadsheet. At a minimum you need to assign:

  • a page ID (0.0, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.21 [for alternative versions of a page], 2.0 [for a new topic], etc.)

  • a page title (as much as possible use the terminology on the website you're examining)

  • content type (keep this simple but note if there are any downloadable PDFs, videos, text only, etc.)

In this spreadsheet you will will not be recording any actual content from the site

Page ID

Page title


content type


Home Page


text + image

















Depending on the website you choose try to capture all the pages. For the sake of this assignment you have permission to stop at 50 entries on your spreadsheet. There are many different ways to conduct content audits, do for future audits feel free to adapt as needed.

At the bottom of your spreadsheet write three (3) questions you would want to ask the client to better understand the content based on your findings. Leave a break between the end of your audit, and write your questions in a cell in the same document. These questions could be anything inspired by what you noticed from completing your content audit. It could be anything from naming to why they approach a subject a certain way.


  • Spreadsheet cells filled in.

  • 3 questions you would want to ask the "client" based on what you discovered through the audit. 

Check your work!

Check that the document :

  • has table filled in

  • has 3 questions for client

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