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Last updated on 11/15/23

Build Your E-Portfolio

“An e-portfolio is a purposeful aggregation of digital items—ideas, evidence, reflections, feedback—which ‘presents’ a selected audience with evidence of a person’s learning and/or ability.” Sutherland and Powell (2007)

What Is an E-Portfolio?

An e-portfolio is like a physical portfolio but in digital form and is easy to share with potential recruiters, partners and clients. It’s a public window for showcasing personal achievements.

It’s made up of two spaces:

  • Archive space: where you can collect and store documents

  • Publication space: where you can showcase a selection of documents accessible to a large audience

An e-portfolio is the intellectual property of its owner. While you don’t have control over its use, you decide what to publish.

What Do You Need to Create Your E-Portfolio?

Set up a digital archive folder in the cloud that contains:

  • Your personal statement: an overview of your career journey, inspirations, background knowledge and career goals

  • Reports, evaluations, research summaries, visual presentations

  • Diplomas, degrees, awards, scholarships

  • Appropriate professional licenses

  • Your résumé

  • Contact information for endorsements and recommendations

The following resources are also useful:

  • Canva is a graphic design platform that not only has an e-portfolio tool, but also thousands of free templates in a dizzying array of mediums (résumés, presentation slides, even Facebook and Instagram stories!)

  • Mahara: is used in higher education institutions and often linked to the Moodle learning platform. It is designed to showcase your academic achievements.

  • WordPress: has a great variety of themes and designs that have contributed to its widespread use. Don’t hesitate to publish your e-portfolio with this easy-to-use tool! 

Create an E-Portfolio

An e-portfolio is a great opportunity for your profile to be viewed by international employers, recruiters and senior staff within organizations you may want to work for.

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Example of certificate of achievement
Example of certificate of achievement