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Last updated on 11/15/23

Create Job Opportunities

Don't wait for opportunities to come your way. Go out and create them!

Job Fairs

Technology and digital changes in today’s job market means there is an expectation for candidates to interact with recruiters, agencies and hiring managers digitally and efficiently.

However, there is still a “hidden” job market out in the real world, and it accounts for a significant number of employment opportunities!

Be visible. Meet employers, recruiters and professionals by attending job fairs, recruitment events, Chamber of Commerce events and trade shows.

Make the First Move

Research a company that you're interested in and find job openings directly. Find out the name of the right person to contact, such as the hiring manager. If you aren’t able to find a contact, send an email or contact the company by phone and ask.

Taking the initiative to approach an organization is another method of creating opportunities. Even if they aren’t currently recruiting, an opportunity may arise in the future!

Explore Freelance Opportunities

A huge fraction of the economy is accounted for by freelance and gig work today. Whether or not short-term, seasonal or freelance contracts are your end goal, keeping an open mind to these opportunities will not only provide some income but will undoubtedly provide ways to develop new professional skills, expand your professional network and open the door to surprising opportunities.

Stay Informed About the Job Market and Stay Employable

While searching for jobs, be sure to stay updated on the ever-evolving job market. Is there a job out there that you haven't even heard of before? You're likely to overlook opportunities in your job search!

Don't have the right experience yet for the position of your dreams? Take a course to upskill and to upgrade your credentials. Identifying steps you need to take in order to become a qualified and competitive candidate for your next job may become essential to your job search.

And let's be honest: for one reason or another, it's not unheard of for skilled workers to find themselves at a dead end. Sometimes the best way to create new opportunities is to change direction and retrain yourself to become qualified to work in new positions or even in new fields.

We've covered a lot already! Time to take a step back and make sure you're staying organized.

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