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Last updated on 11/8/22

Simplify Map Sharing Using ConcurrentHashMap

Have you ever traveled by public transport in a busy city? Trains and buses usually have a certain number of seats that everyone is trying to squeeze into. 😀 Rarely do two people squeeze into the same seat. You can only ever have one person in a seat at a time. And seats are only large enough for a single sitter at a time.

As you've seen, concurrent applications can go wrong in unexpected ways when your threads share mutable data structures. In other words, you don't want two bottoms on one seat. 😉 To avoid this, you can try using final variables or create new variables instead of updating shared ones. However, there are times when your problem requires a data structure that is designed to be both mutable and shared.

Maps are a typical example of this. Let's check them out!

Working With Mutable Maps

A map is like a massive index of values, which are super fast to look up. Rather than having to iterate through every item in a map, you can find things instantly by providing a key that they are optimized to lookup. It's like knowing where your friend always sits and walking straight to her.

Why do we use maps? Can't we use an array and search through it?

The answer is time complexity. Time complexity is a metric that you use to understand the worst-case number of steps involved in running an algorithm. For instance, what is involved with looking up a value from an array? It's is similar to how the famous Gang of Four (GoF) used document design patterns in their engineering (you really should read their book!). Worst case, to find something in an array, you'd have to visit every value and ask, "Is this the one I'm looking for?" So for an array of any size which we'll call n, in the worst case, you'd have to perform n operations. We call this O(n), or order n. 

Maps are incredibly efficient as they typically involve implementations, which makes them appear to be O(1). That is, for any value in the map, you can find it in one operation. You provide a key and have a value returned without having to search the whole map.

Imagine you're building a system where multiple threads need to share values or update a sizeable HashMap implementation - such as a mapping from planet names to temperatures. You might use a planet name, such as the Kepler Id as a key, and want to make sure you can avoid duplicates counting across threads. Remember the one bottom per seat rule; there can be only one. 😛
If you have hundreds of keys, it can quickly become slow and wasteful to copy your whole map into a new one, just because you've updated a single field. Over the years, Java has attempted to handle this by providing various map implementations that can work safely in a multithreaded application:

Thread Safe Map



This has been in the JDK for generations. Today, it implements the Map API and synchronizes all access its keys, values, and operations. As a result, it suffers from overlocking. This means that even different threads updating or reading different keys will be blocked on each other and can slow down your application.

It's like the driver announcing that everyone should stand completely still while you sit down - or check to find an available seat.

Its Javadoc states: 

"If a thread-safe implementation is not needed, it is recommended to use HashMap in place of Hashtable. If a thread-safe highly-concurrent implementation is desired, then it is recommended to use ConcurrentHashMap in place of Hashtable."


This method, provided by Java's collections framework, takes any ordinary map object and make it thread-safe. While this seems great, it simply wraps the object in another one which synchronizes all access in a similar fashion to the HashTable implementation. This too suffers from overlocking and can slow your application down by only allowing one thread at a time to collaborate with it.


The ConcurrentHashMap provides a fully thread-safe map API without blocking all other threads wanting to use it. It is the current recommended solution when you require a thread-safe map. We'll explore this further and consider the consequence of using one.

 Can't I just use locks and synchronization mechanisms to make the operations I care about thread-safe?

Yes, you could manually synchronize using locks, wait/notify, or some other mechanism. One of the secrets to successful development is code-reuse. If you can get the performance and behavior you're after without writing a line of code, that's time you could better spend adding value to your client through other software.

ConcurrentHashMaps  are designed to give you predictable behavior and performance. They're built by engineers who are accountable for the whole JDKs performance. Unless you need to support some complex requirements, then it's better to stick to the prescribed and tested.

Working With ConcurrentHashMap

When two people reach for the same seat, they usually coordinate about just that seat. Other occupants don't care what's going on in a seat on which they aren't seated. ConcurrentHashMaps still use a locking scheme, but it's more comparable to two passengers trying to figure out who gets to sit on the one seat they have both approached.

In the case of our ConcurrentHashMap, the lock only applies to threads updating it and is only applied across a small group of keys called a bucket. This group includes the specific key being updated or added. It's called a striped lock.

A ConcurrentHashMap guarantee the following behavior:

  • A striped lock ensures that specific keys have synchronized updates across threads without locking the rest of the map.

  • Threads reading from the map are guaranteed to continue to see the map exactly as it was when they started reading from it. This means that data in that map won't change from under their feet.

For instance, imagine that my key is updated from my value to your value. If one thread started to read from  map.get("my key") before it was changed, it is guaranteed to get back a value of my value even though it might have changed.

Therefore, multiple threads are able to read and update a ConcurrentHashMap at the same time with efficiency and a guaranteed behavior. It allows you to understand how your program will behave and ask questions such as whether you need a more aggressive synchronization.

How do I use a ConcurrentHashMap?

ConcurrentHashMap is just another map implementation; therefore, you can use it in exactly the same way you'd use a map. Without doing anything extra, it is suddenly safe to use across your threads. Use new to create a new one, and then use  put()  and  get()  methods to access it.

We're going to create a ConcurrentHashMapand, make two threads update, and read from it.

Step 1: Start up JShell:


Step 2: Create a ConcurrentHashMap with  ConcurrentHashMap map = new ConcurrentHashMap():

jshell> ConcurrentHashMap map = new ConcurrentHashMap()
map ==> {}

Step 3: Create a thread that counts to a large number and updates a key with the value "last_number":

Thread mutator1 = new Thread( () -> IntStream.range(0, 1000000).forEach( (n) -> map.put("last number", n) ) )

Step 4: Now create an accessor thread to print some values from the map:

Thread accessor = new Thread( () -> IntStream.range(0, 2000).forEach( (n) -> m.get("last number", n) ) )

 This loops 2000 times and shows the value of the "last number" key.

Now query  m.get("last_number").

Let's do it together with a few more threads!

Comparing Fully Synchronized Maps vs ConcurrentHashMaps

For you to understand the full power of ConcurrentHashMap, let's implement both and compare the results. Imagine that the files with planet temperatures have some duplicate temperatures caused by dodgy space equipment. You might want to only sample changes to a planet's temperature. Let's update the planet analyzer to solve the same problem with either  Collections.synchronized()  or a  ConcurrentHashMap().

Let's use this map to only sample temperatures for a particular planet if it has changed and see how you can do this using a new stream filter when processing the file.

As you saw, we changed the code to remember the last updated planet temperature in a thread-safe map. By starting the application with different arguments, we were able to benchmark and compare ConcurrentHashMaps against a synchronized HashMap. The ConcurrentHashMap was nearly 10 operations per second faster.

Let's break down the main steps involved in using our maps:

Step 1: Declare a map in the analyzer using the map interface as opposed to any particular implementation. That is, don't declare it as ConcurrentHashMap  or any other  Map  implementation.

    private Map<String, Double> planetsSeen;

Step 2: Create a constructor that sets the  planetsSeen  map to either a  ConcurrentHashMap  or a  HashMap  synchronized using  Collections.sychronized().

public ThreadSafeMapFilteringFileAnalyzer(DedupingScheme dedupingScheme) {
    if (DedupingScheme.CONCURRENT_HASHMAP.equals(dedupingScheme)){
        planetsSeen = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    } else if (DedupingScheme.SYNCHRONIZED_HASHMAP.equals(dedupingScheme)) {
        planetsSeen = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>());
  • Line 2 to 3: Assign a  ConcurrentHashMap  to  planetsSeen  if  CONCURRENT_HASHMAP  is passed to the constructor.

  • Line 4 to 5: Assign a  HashMap, synchronized using  Collections.sychronized()   to  planetsSee  when  SYCHRONIZED_HASHMAP  is passed to the constructor.

Step 3: Add a new filter to the sequential stream which processes each file, row by row.

DoubleStream streamOfDoubles = Files.lines(path).
    // Separate the columns using a comma
    map(line -> line.split(",")).
    // Remove rows with less than three columns
    filter(row -> row.length >= 3).
    // Remove planet/temperature pairs we've not sampled


As you can see this points to the  planetHasNotBeenSampled  method in the current class. 

Step 4: Then implement this method and use the map:

private boolean planetHasNotBeenSampled(String[] row) {
    // Get planet details for this row
    String planet = row[ KeplerCsvFields.KEPOI_NAME_COLUMN ];
    Double temperature = 
        Double.parseDouble(row[ KeplerCsvFields.EQUILIBRIUM_TEMPERATURE_COLUMN ]);
    // Check our map for this planet
    Double lastValue = planetsSeen.get(planet);

    // Return early and skip a value if it hasn't changed
    if (null != lastValue && lastValue == temperature) {
        return false;

    // Sample this planet and temperature + update our map
    planetsSeen.put(planet, temperature);
    return true;
  • Lines 2 to 5: Extract the values from the string array passed to the method from the stream.

  • Line 7: Fetch the last object associated with this key from the Map.

  • Map  implementations return a  null  where the key does not exist. We'll use this in a bit.

  • Line 10: Test if the value returned by the map was a null. This should mean that it's the first time processing a row with a value for this particular planet. If you'd seen it before, then check whether the temperature for that planet has changed.

  • Line 11: If you have seen it previously, and it hasn't changed since the last time, only then only you filter it from the stream. Do this by returning  false  from the filter.

  • Line 15: Code reaching this point stores the temperature for this row into the  Map  against the planet mentioned in this row.

Other than this, the code is pretty much the same as our  CompletableFuture  version.

Running the Benchmarks!

1) Check out the p2-c3-concurrent-hash-maps branch:

git checkout p2-c3-concurrent-hash-maps

2) Run the benchmarks using the  runBenchmarks  Gradle task:

./gradlew runBenchmarks

How did they perform? 😎 ConcurrentHashMaps are another piece of the arsenal for your tool belt as a thread-safe concurrent developer.

Let's Recap!

  • Java has traditionally provided Hashtables and Collections.synchronizedMaps() as a means of creating a thread-safe map. This is achieved by synchronizing against any access to the map.

  • Fully synchronizing a map can provide an unnecessary performance penalty when only specific keys are modified.

  • ConcurrentHashMaps provide thread safety through striped locking. This means that writing is synchronized, but only across a specific set of keys.

  • ConcurrentHashMaps being read from represent the state of the entire map as of its last successful mutation. If you start reading from a map, you are guaranteed to have a consistent representation that does not change.

 In the next chapter, you'll learn how to modify arrays on multiple threads!  

Example of certificate of achievement
Example of certificate of achievement