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Mis à jour le 22/01/2024

Create Complex Charts Using Seaborn

Matplotlib provides many options to help you fully customize your charts. But it can be rather time-consuming fiddling around with individual elements to create an appealing visual. Also, you might find that one small modification can quickly turn into several lines of code if you’re not careful.

Identify When to Use Seaborn

The Seaborn library brings an alternative option to Matplotlib. It’s also a library that enables you to generate charts, just like Matplotlib. I think I’d go a little further and say that Seaborn is an overlay of Matplotlib.

Seaborn follows the same concept, only applied to Matplotlib. It’s a library that follows the same principle as Matplotlib, but with some add-ons to provide different chart styles and features. If you’ll allow me one final analogy, we could see Seaborn as a brand new car with a Matplotlib chassis and engine underneath.

So, what are these new features that Seaborn provides?

Seaborn has changed some of the defaults in Matplotlib:

  • It offers a number of high-quality, appealing, predefined chart templates by updating the default chart options in Matplotlib.

  • It has an added interface for DataFrames to make it much easier to use them to generate charts.

  • It offers a rich catalog of chart functions to satisfy the most precise requirements.

The trade-off is that Seaborn has fewer in-built customization options.

These two libraries complement each other so that you can make the most of the advantages that each has to offer. It’s a particularly harmonious relationship, which we’re now going to explore.

Get to Grips With Seaborn

With Seaborn being an overlay to Matplotlib, there are many similarities between the two libraries. Need a scatter plot? We have the  scatter  function in Matplotlib. And guess what! We have the  scatterplot  function in Seaborn.

Here’s how to use it:

import seaborn as sns
sns.scatterplot(data=loans, x='income', y='debt_to_income')

Let’s break it down to see how it works:

  • Firstly, we define the DataFrame we want to use to create the chart, using the  data  argument.

  • Next, we just need to define the variables from the DataFrame that we want to use as the x and y axes.

Where Seaborn comes into its own is when we want to change certain elements, such as colors or dot sizes.

Let’s go back to the same chart and add a color to each variable type on the chart. In Matplotlib, we needed a loop to achieve this, but here’s the Seaborn code:

sns.scatterplot(data=loans, x='income', y='debt_to_income', hue='type')

... which gives us the following result:

Applying the scatterplot function using Seaborn to create a scatter graph with income on the x-axis and debt-to-income ratio on the y-axis in blue for real estate and yellow for automobile
Applying the scatterplot function using Seaborn

By specifying the variable using the  hue  argument, Seaborn automatically creates one color for each existing value of the variable.

Now, rather than the type of loan, we want to add information about the loan term. We can do this by linking the size of the dot to the length of the loan term:

sns.scatterplot(data=loans, x='income', y='debt_to_income', size='term')

To finish off this chart, we can use the different Matplotlib functions we saw earlier:


plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 14})

sns.scatterplot(data=loans, x='income', y='debt_to_income', hue='type')

plt.ylabel("Debt to income ratio")

plt.xlabel('Monthly income ($)')


plt.xlim(500, 7500)

plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1.02))

plt.title("Debt to income ratio based on monthly income\nby loan type")


Applying various options to the Seaborn scatterplot function in order to improve a scatter graph
Applying various options to the Seaborn scatterplot function

Let’s go through the different functions we used:

  1. The  rcParams.update  function, with the  font.size  argument, sets the font size to 14 for all elements (xlabel, title, legend, etc.) on all charts (not just the one currently being generated).

  2. grid  displays the gridlines.

  3. The tick limits can be set to between 500 and 7,500 using the  xlim  function.

  4. The  legend  function displays the legend on the chart. But the new feature we have here is the use of  bbox_to_anchor  , which allows you to set the legend position outside of the chart by providing coordinates.

Aggregate Data With Seaborn

Let’s return to our bar chart showing branch sales revenue figures that we created before. With Matplotlib, we had to aggregate our data before we were able to plot our chart. The  barplot  function in Seaborn does this step for us directly within the chart.

sns.barplot(data=loans, x='city', y='repayment', errorbar=None, estimator=sum)

The first part of the code is similar to what we saw for the  scatterplot  function, but here we have two new arguments:

  • errorbar  , which allows you to visualize the spread of the underlying data or the uncertainty of the estimate such as confidence intervals on each bar. If you set this argument to  None , these won’t be visible.

  • estimator  is the aggregation function.

All of the arguments we’ve seen up to now will also work, e.g., the ability to use color to indicate sub-groups, for example:

sns.barplot(data=loans, x='city', y='repayment', errorbar=None, estimator=np.mean, hue='type')

... gives the following result:

Using the barplot function in Seaborn in order to create a bar chart that compares real estate and automobile loans in various cities
Using the barplot function in Seaborn

Why not go ahead and try out these functions on your own, so you can see how Seaborn really adds value?

Improve the Appearance of Your Visuals

Well, I can’t finish off this course without telling you how Seaborn handles the appearance of your charts. I mentioned earlier that Seaborn provides much more appealing results than Matplotlib. There are two elements involved, and they are color palettes and themes.

Color Palettes

Color palettes represent a set of colors that we want to use in a chart. Of course, you can define a palette yourself, but Seaborn offers a choice of particularly harmonious palettes that you can use as you wish. 

Let’s take our chart showing total revenue figures by branch:

A bar chart we want to improve using Seaborn
A chart we want to improve using Seaborn

To set a new palette, we’re going to use the  set_palette  function in Seaborn. Let’s give our charts more of a pastel-colored feel:  sns.set_palette('pastel')  :

Applying a pastel palette using set_palette to a bar chart with city on the x-axis and repayment on the y-axis
Applying a pastel palette using set_palette

Or maybe a darker feel, using  sns.set_palette('dark')  :

Applying a dark palette using set_palette to a bar chart with city on the x-axis and repayment on the y-axis
Applying a dark palette using set_palette

There are also a number of palette sets available. Personally, I’m a fan of the second set  sns.set_palette('Set2')  :

Applying a set using the set_palette function to a bar chart with city on the x-axis and repayment on the y-axis
Applying a set using the set_palette function


Themes are a way of grouping together a set of predefined chart features (axes, background, tick style, etc.) that Seaborn has provided for us to use however we want. We can apply our theme of choice using the  set_theme  function.

First, let’s apply the default visual theme:

Applying the default theme using set_theme to a bar chart with city on the x-axis and repayment on the y-axis
Applying the default theme using set_theme

It already looks completely different, doesn’t it? We can even combine our chosen theme with a color palette:

sns.set_theme(style='whitegrid', palette='pastel')

Combined theme and color palette applied to a bar chart with city on the x-axis and repayment on the y-axis
Combined theme and color palette

As well as fully incorporating DataFrames into the chart creation process, Seaborn makes it really easy to generate visually appealing charts. And if there’s part of a theme that we don’t like? No problem! We can use different Matplotlib functions to further refine our customization. These two libraries give us a complete set of tools to handle all our data visualization needs.

So, now’s the time for you to apply all your newly acquired Seaborn knowledge! The following exercise will let you do just that.

Over to You!

Over to you exercise banner


The monthly reporting is usually created using Matplotlib. Your task is to improve the visual appeal of the report using Seaborn.


Your objective is to re-do the work you did previously, but this time using Seaborn. As well as creating the charts, your manager has snuck in some additional requirements to add certain elements to the charts.

Head over to the exercise and see how you get on. 

Check Your Work

Great stuff! Why don’t you compare your answers with the solution?

Let’s Recap

  • Seaborn is an overlay to Matplotlib, which means you can combine functions from both libraries when working on a single chart.

  • Seaborn was created to make it easier to generate visuals from Pandas DataFrames. This approach enables us to add as many different features (color, shape, size) as there are variables in a DataFrame.

  • Seaborn brings a whole new aesthetic quality to your charts by letting you change themes and/or color palettes.

Well done! You’ve reached the end of this course. But before you go, I suggest you finish off this part by testing your knowledge in our quiz.

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