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Last updated on 8/19/24

Correct or Translate a Text

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Let’s take a look at some further examples of corrected and translated texts.

Ask ChatGPT to Correct Your Errors in English

If you give a text with multiple errors to ChatGPT, it can provide a corrected version.

🧔🏻‍♂️: Correct the spelling and grammar mistakes in this text.


I’m very intrested in the vancancy I saw on your web site. I beleive that my skills and experiance are a good match fro your reqirements.

I’m highly motivaited and very keen to work at your company because I love working as part of a team and I very determind to succeed in my carier. I alos have highly developped communication skills and I love talking to clints.

🤖: Hello,

I’m very interested in the vacancy I saw on your website. I believe that my skills and experience are a good match for your requirements.

I’m highly motivated and very keen to work at your company because I love working as part of a team, and I am very determined to succeed in my career. I also have highly developed communication skills, and I love talking to clients.

Don’t stop there! Ask ChatGPT for explanations of the errors so that you can learn from them and improve.

Ask ChatGPT to Translate a Text Into Another Language

ChatGPT does a pretty good job of translating texts into a number of different languages—French to English, Spanish to Italian, English to German, etc.

Let’s try a simple translation from English to French:

🧔🏻‍♂️: Translate the following text into French:


I’m very interested in the vacancy I saw on your website. I believe that my skills and experience are a good match for your requirements.

I’m highly motivated and very keen to work at your company because I love working as part of a team, and I’m very determined to succeed in my career. I also have highly developed communication skills, and I enjoy talking to clients.

🤖: Bonjour, 

Je suis très intéressé(e) par le poste vacant que j'ai vu sur votre site web. Je suis convaincu(e) que mes compétences et mon expérience correspondent bien à vos exigences.

Je suis très motivé(e) et très désireux(euse) de travailler dans votre entreprise car j'apprécie de travailler au sein d'une équipe et je suis très déterminé(e) à réussir dans ma carrière. J'ai également des compétences en communication très développées et j'aime échanger avec les clients.

Other languages work just as well, so let’s try it out with Japanese:

🧔🏻‍♂️: What about if you translate it into Japanese?





I have to admit, I don’t speak a word of Japanese. 😅

Okay, of course a professional might sometimes find translation errors or, at the very least, some areas for improvement. But it has to be said that it’s a good quality translation and it’s really useful to have a multilingual translator on hand when you need one!

Let’s Recap

  • ChatGPT can spot, understand, and correct errors in a text and provide an improved version.

  • Remember to ask it to clarify the errors it’s corrected to help you improve your own language skills.

  • ChatGPT can translate texts into multiple languages in a fairly reliable and accurate way.

We’re going to continue our whistle-stop tour of the many features offered by ChatGPT in the next chapter. We’ll see that it’s possible to receive your responses in a specific format, such as a bulleted list, a table, a JSON file or any other format.

Example of certificate of achievement
Example of certificate of achievement