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Last updated on 8/19/24

Create Customized GPT Agents

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At this point, you’re beginning to understand that ChatGPT can answer lots of questions and perform a variety of tasks for you. However, even if it is (usually) very effective, one of its drawbacks is that it’s a generalist.

This is where GPTs come in. These are specialized versions of ChatGPT that can be used for certain tasks, such as the following:

  • helping to optimize your website’s SEO

  • helping you write scientific articles

  • helping you learn how to code

  • generating logos

  • etc.

Let’s take a look at how it works—and even how to create your own GPT! 😃

What is a GPT?

When OpenAI introduced the concept of “specialized versions of ChatGPT,” known as GPTs, many people were doubtful. 🤨

  • Is this really useful?

  • Are we talking about a revolution?

  • Is it all just smoke and mirrors?

Obviously, it’s more of an evolution than a revolution. You won’t get the same “wow” effect you had when you first discovered ChatGPT.

However, the concept still remains interesting, and OpenAI is going all in. They are banking on people needing increasingly specialized and preconfigured versions of AI in the future.

The premise is:

  • First, there’s ChatGPT 3.5 (generalist, more basic), which is available for free.

  • Then, there’s ChatGPT 4 (generalist, more powerful), which is available to paying users.

    • Paying users can also access a specialized version of ChatGPT 4 from the GPT Store.

Structured diagram with two parts. At the top, there's a first box labeled 'ChatGPT4' with a tag 'General AI.' This is connected to a larger box below labeled 'Specialized AI.' This box contains rectangles
GPTs in the GPT Store are based on GPT-4

But what is a GPT exactly? 🧐

Basically, it’s a preconfigured GPT-4 with preliminary instructions that are sent ahead of your own instructions. Think of GPTs as just “prefixes” to your prompts. They systematically add preliminary instructions (always the same ones) that precondition the AI so that they can respond more effectively to your requests.

For example, a “Logo Creator” GPT might look something like this:

Configuration of the “Logo Generator” GPT
“You are a logo generation tool. Your logos are designed to be simple yet memorable. You use DALL·E to generate the logo. First, ask the user to specify whether they want a square, round, or rectangular logo, and then ask which color scheme they would like to use. Then, generate a logo.”

User Prompt
“I want an icon for my RPG adventure game.”

ChatGPT receives the two instructions at the same time, in sequence:

  • The GPT configuration (its prefix) that “prepares” ChatGPT to perform its task

  • The user’s request

Using a GPT to create a logo is not mandatory (remember, we’ve already generated logos!), but the GPT guides you and can help you achieve a better result.

Use a GPT

Okay, are you ready to use a GPT? Great! 😃

Simply click “Explore GPTs” at the top-left corner of the interface. Remember that you need a ChatGPT subscription to access it.

Screenshot of the ChatGPT interface
The link to access the GPT Store

You can search for a GPT by keyword or browse them by category.

Screenshot of the ChatGPT interface
The GPT selection screen

Each one is a different preconfigured GPT. As you can see, there are lots to choose from!

Simply click one to use it. For example, I’m going to use “Logo Creator” to generate a logo.

Screenshot of the ChatGPT interface
“Logo Creator” GPT

Each GPT has a name, a short description, and some example questions that you can ask. Of course, you can also ask your own question, as you would in ChatGPT.

Each GPT behaves differently. Logo Creator has been configured to ask you a few questions about what you want.

My conversation went something like this:

🧔🏻‍♂️: Create an application icon for an RPG adventure game.

🤖: Great! I’d be happy to help you create an application icon for your RPG adventure game. To make the best logo I can, I’d like to ask you a few questions. Let’s start with the first one:

Would you like the logo to be: A) Fun B) Neutral C) Serious D) Ignore all questions and immediately generate a logo using the default options

The default option is B (Neutral). Please let me know your preference.

🧔🏻‍♂️: A

🤖: Fantastic choice! A fun logo can really capture the spirit of an RPG adventure game. Now, on to the next question:

On a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is very simple and uncluttered and 10 is highly detailed and complex,how would you like the logo to be?

The default option is 3. This leans towards something simple and uncluttered. Please let me know your preference.

🧔🏻‍♂️: 4



Nine logos were generated by Logo Creator
Nine logos were generated by Logo Creator

Here are nine different logo designs for your RPG adventure game. Each design is created in a fun style, with medium complexity, featuring an ocean blue and sandy beige color scheme. Have a look and let me know if there’s anything you’d like to adjust or if you have a favorite!

All GPTs behave differently. This one is a multiple-choice questionnaire, but others may give you an answer as soon as you send the first message, depending on their configuration.

Create Your Own GPT

Would you like to create your own GPT? If you’re looking for something specific that doesn’t exist in the GPT Store, you can create your own GPT.

But I don’t know how to code! 😱

Luckily, there’s no need! 😁

A GPT is actually configured simply by writing. In French, English, or even Esperanto, it doesn’t matter what language you use—it understands them all!

You can create a GPT directly from the GPT Store:

Screenshot of the ChatGPT interface
The link to create a GPT

The GPT creation interface is displayed:

Screenshot of the ChatGPT interface
GPT Creation Wizard

You create the GPT on the left side. You can test it at any time on the right side.

You have two options when creating your GPT:

  • Easy (Create tab): You need to interact with ChatGPT, which will guide you step by step through the creation of your GPT. It will ask you a number of questions and design the GPT configuration you need.

  • Advanced (Configure tab): You have more options in the form. The “advanced” option is actually very easy, so don’t be afraid to use it! Personally, I prefer to use this tab.

Let’s look at the Configure tab:

Screenshot of the ChatGPT interface
GPT advanced configuration tab

You will be asked for the following information:

  • Your GPT logo: You can upload your own or—even better—have one generated by DALL·E. My advice is to do this last, as DALL·E will use the name and configuration of your GPT to create a suitable logo.

  • Name: The name of your GPT.

  • Description: A short description that is displayed next to your GPT’s name.

  • Instructions: This is THE main area to work in. This is where you write your GPT’s “prefix” instructions, explaining what to do before receiving instructions from the user. For example, “You are a logo generation tool. Your logos are designed to be simple and memorable. [...]”

  • Conversation starters: Examples of requests that can be submitted to your GPT. This informs the GPT user about what type of request they can submit. These examples will be displayed next to the conversation form.

  • Knowledge: These documents provide additional knowledge specific to your GPT. You can upload all file types (including .pdf files, data files, etc.). This is very practical and will provide your GPT with greater context (e.g., details about your company).

  • Capabilities: The ChatGPT features that your GPT can use, such as “Web browsing” (the ability for your GPT to browse the web to find information), DALL·E (image generator), Code Interpreter (the tool that can execute Python code to perform advanced tasks, as described in a previous chapter).

  • Actions: This section is more advanced and requires some knowledge of coding. It connects your GPT to a web service through an API. This is very powerful and turns your GPT into an agent that can perform very precise tasks, such as retrieving information from a weather API or launching home automation tasks. You are limited only by your imagination (and your technical skills 😉).

Once the GPT has been tested and you’re happy with it, click the save button in the top-right corner:

Screenshot of the ChatGPT interface
Saving a GPT

You can choose who can see your GPT:

  • Only me: The GPT will not be visible to anyone else.

  • Anyone with a link: The GPT can be used by anyone, provided they have the link. It will then be “hidden” and not appear in the store.

  • Everyone: Your GPT will be released in the store and made available to everyone.

What about you, have you created a GPT?

Yes! Only private GPTs so far, for personal use. Here are the ones I’ve created:

  • Summary Generator: A “Summary” generator for my course chapters (including this one, see below!). I still review and occasionally adapt the results, but this tool saves me a huge amount of time when summarizing my chapters exactly as I want them.

  • Cartoon Generator: To generate cartoon images for my blog posts.

  • 1:1 Summarizer: A tool that summarizes my notes when I have 1:1 conversations with people. It processes all of my notes and returns a clean, concise summary!

Now it’s your turn! What GPTs will you create? 😃

Let’s Recap

  • GPTs are specialized versions of ChatGPT, designed to perform specific tasks such as optimizing SEO, writing scientific articles, or generating logos.

  • Each GPT is a preconfigured version of ChatGPT-4 with integrated instructions, acting as a “prefix” to respond to specific requests more effectively.

  • OpenAI’s GPT Store provides a marketplace where users can create and sell their own GPTs.

  • Creating a GPT requires no programming skills. All it takes are precise written instructions to configure it.

  • Users can customize their GPT by adding specific information, configuring capabilities (e.g., web browsing or using DALL·E), and connecting to services using APIs. They can then share it with others on the GPT Store or keep it private.

So, what do you think of GPTs? Find out about a similar feature in the next chapter: custom instructions.

Example of certificate of achievement
Example of certificate of achievement