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Last updated on 9/1/22

Set up a Page Layout in Excel

Evaluated skills

  • Set up a page layout in Excel


All questions in this quiz will be based on the sales workbook below:

Sales workbook
Sales workbook
  • Question 1

    Which of the following features would you use if you don’t want to see columns D through H temporarily?

    Careful, there can be more than one correct answer!

    Careful, there are several correct answers.
    • Delete the columns.

    • Clear the contents.

    • Hide the columns.

    • Group the columns.

  • Question 2

    How would you add a column between B and C for the birth year?

    • Select column B and choose Insert in the context menu.

    • Select column C and choose Insert in the context menu.

    • Select column B and choose Copy in the context menu.

    • Select column C and choose Copy in the context menu.

  • Question 3

    If you wanted to delete the row containing data about Cecilia Collins (row 5), what would you do? 

    • Select row 5 and click on Hide.

    • Select row 5 and click on Delete.

    • Select row 5 and click on Clear contents.

    • None of the above.

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