Our product is a complete online learning experience. Different user types visit our website for various reasons.
To help us talk about our users, we have created several personas. They are fictional characters that we use to describe a typical user and how they utilize the site.
Jessica (28 years old - freelancer)
![Jessica (Persona)](https://user.oc-static.com/upload/2019/09/27/15695990189869_01_jessica.jpg)
Jessica works as a freelancer. She wants to learn new online tech skills to be able to offer these services to her customers. She's on a learning journey that will last between 10 to 12 months. Her mentor supports her and helps her stay on track with weekly talks. She uses the Premium Plus option to get this service (more on the premium option and our business model in the next chapter).
In the end, she hopes to get a recognized degree to enhance her résumé further.
Michael (22 years old - student)
![Michael (Persona)](https://user.oc-static.com/upload/2019/09/27/15695990564131_02_michael.jpg)
Michael is still a student. He wants to learn IT skills because he thinks his business school doesn't teach him enough of them. He's a free user, meaning that he's more interested in following courses than full paths.
Jennifer (33 years old - job seeker)
![Jennifer (Persona)](https://user.oc-static.com/upload/2019/09/27/15695990674811_03_jennifer.jpg)
Jennifer's previous company was not in good shape, and had to let several people go to reduce costs. Now that she's looking for a new job in marketing, she has realized that she needs new skills to make herself more employable.
She's currently looking to follow an online path and obtain a new degree with a mentor's support.
Christopher (23 years old - job seeker)
![Christopher (Persona)](https://user.oc-static.com/upload/2019/09/27/15695990759286_04_%20christopher.jpg)
Christopher has just finished his studies in IT, and he's currently looking for a job.
He uses OpenClassrooms to learn new skills by following various courses. He might be interested in getting support from OpenClassrooms to look for a job, but he doesn't know this is possible.
Jacob (18 years old - student)
![Jacob (Persona)](https://user.oc-static.com/upload/2019/09/27/15695990862613_05_jacob%20.jpg)
Jacob is only 18 years old, but he's already an experienced developer. He is passionate about what he does and spends some of his free time helping others online.
He's a free user, and he's wondering if he could become a mentor to help others and make some money out of it.
James (46 years old - employed)
![James (Persona)](https://user.oc-static.com/upload/2019/09/27/15695990941705_06_james.jpg)
James recently discovered OpenClassrooms by word of mouth. He doesn't know much about what the platform offers, and he wonders if he'll find courses that suit him.
He's currently exploring the website with a free account.