OpenClassrooms Events

At OpenClassrooms, we strive for transparency. We also aim to foster an ambiance that facilitates connections and collaboration between team members companywide.

To achieve these two goals, we organize regular events and meetings as well as employ other... creative strategies. 😏

"Récrés" (Remote All-Hands Meetings)

What? Every week the entire OpenClassrooms team gathers for an update on where we stand with company objectives. We share progress and introduce newcomers, new features, and new training paths. We also invite speakers on relevant topics who bring an enriching and inspiring experience to our team.

Who? The Communications team is in charge of gathering updates and building the Récré presentation, summarizing progress towards the company objectives with stakeholders' help. The Communications team is also in charge of finding suitable speakers. The goal is to enable employees to speak and give them a stage to talk about what they do and enhance their public speaking skills. 

When? Every week, fully remote, at a time suitable for everyone in the company.

"Grandes Récrés" (In-Person All-Hands Meetings)

What? Each month the whole team gathers for a detailed update of where OpenClassrooms stands. Monthly progress is shared with everyone, as well as broader company announcements. Grande récrés are articulated around short interviews to provide the team with in-depth information about each objective: a stakeholder is interviewed and gives insights about progress or new projects. 

When? Every month, preferably the first Tuesday. The complete schedule of Grande Récrés for the year is established in advance and shared with the whole team.

The event is live streamed from our studio and sometimes hosted in other cities (eg. from Marseille in 2024).
The team gathers in-person or in regional hubs for the Grandes Récrés. Events and activities (including drinks) are usually organized afterwards.

Quarterly Offsites

January Quarterly offsite @ the Moulin Rouge

What? Every quarter, the whole team is invited to a one-day gathering outside of the office. The objective is to provide the team with an overview of where OC stands as a business. Offsites are also an opportunity to step back, connect, and remind everyone of the OpenClassrooms' vision.

Offsites always start with a checkpoint. More importantly, they always end with a party! We're there to have some fun!

Who? The Communications team handles offsite logistics and coordinates content with different stakeholders. They're also responsible for keeping things running smoothly and on time. 

When? Every quarter, offsites are organized instead of checkpoints.

Annual Seminar

What is the annual seminar all about? 

Our number one goal for the annual seminar is to connect as a team. 

OpenClassrooms employees from all over France and the world gather together for a day or several days of presentations and workshops.

Throughout the seminar, we look at where we stand as a company, review our company objectives, and think about the future of OpenClassrooms.

And last but not least, the seminar is about having fun together. Like - serious fun! There are two types of people in this company: those who have lived through an OpenClassrooms annual seminar and those who haven’t yet.  🙃

Biscarrosse, June 2019
Biscarrosse, June 2019
Sèvres, 2023
Sèvres, 2023
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