How do we work at OpenClassrooms?4 heuresMoyenneLicence Ce cours est visible gratuitement en ligne. course.header.alt.is_certifying J'ai tout compris ! Mis à jour le 18/09/2024 Our Mission Our Company Our Story Our Principles Quiz : Who We Are Our Educational Vision Our Users Our Product Our Business Model Quiz : What We Do Learning Team PxT Team (Product & Tech) Enrollment Team Employers Team Marketing Team Customer Success Team Finance Team People Team Quiz : OpenClassrooms' Teams Hiring Process Remote or office Using Your Stock Options OpenClassrooms Events Quiz : Practical OpenClassrooms What We Do Compétences évaluéesUnderstand the business plan of OpenClassroomsQuestion 1We think that the traditional education systems makes the wrong assumption that:Children all learn at the same pace.Children who are the same age like to work together.A teacher can help students to learn better.Question 2Considering Maria Montessori's educational approach, you could say that OpenClassrooms is:Based on it.Opposed to it.Inspired by it.Question 3In which order do we build a path?Look for a job in high demand => Identify skills => Create projects => Create coursesLook for a job in high demand => Identify skills => Create courses => Create projects Identify skills => Look for a job in high demand => Create courses => Create projects Et si vous obteniez un diplôme OpenClassrooms ? Formations jusqu’à 100 % financéesDate de début flexibleProjets professionnalisantsMentorat individuelTrouvez la formation et le financement faits pour vousÊtre orientéComparez nos types de formation Our Business Model Learning Team